/** * jQuery拖拽 & 弹出层 * API: http://dreamback.github.io/selectorjs/ * @author: heshimeng1987@qq.com */ (function() { function removeMenus() { $('.m-select').removeClass('m-focus').find('dd').hide(); }; var SelectorJS = { //地区选择器 area: { init: function(target, value, full) { SelectorJS.script('address.js', function(code) { this.code = code; this.target = $(target); this.dt = this.target.find('dt'); this.dd = this.target.find('dd'); this.tab = this.target.find('.tab'); this.con = this.target.find('.tab-con'); this.input = this.target.find('input'); this.value = 'c' + value; this.full = full === undefined ? true : full; //true 三项 var _value = []; if (/0{5}$/.test(this.value)) { //外国 _value = ['外国', this.code['c10200000'][this.value].n]; } else if (/0{2}$/.test(this.value) || !full) { _value = [this.code[this.value.replace(/\d{4}$/, '0000')].n, this.code[this.value.replace(/\d{4}$/, '0000')][this.value.replace(/\d{2}$/, '00')].n ]; } else { _value = this.code[this.value.replace(/\d{4}$/, '0000')].d ? [this.code[this.value.replace(/\d{4}$/, '0000')].n, this.code[this.value.replace(/\d{4}$/, '0000')][this.value].n ] : [this.code[this.value.replace(/\d{4}$/, '0000')].n, this.code[this.value.replace(/\d{4}$/, '0000')][this.value.replace(/\d{2}$/, '00')].n, this.code[this.value.replace(/\d{4}$/, '0000')][this.value.replace(/\d{2}$/, '00')][this.value].n ]; } this.tab.html('
  • ' + _value.join('
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  • 请选择
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